Where fires are concerned - Prevention is the best medicine.
Take these steps to prevent a fire in your home:
- Ensure you have working smoke detectors, test them once a month and keep spare batteries in your home to replace batteries when you need to.
- Do not borrow batteries from the Smoke Alarm.
- Ensure all doors are closed when going to bed.
- Unplug all electrics when you are not using them.
- If you hear a smoke alarm exit the house immediately.
- Have an escape plan, ensure pathway to leave house is clear at all times
- Do not have mirrors over fireplaces with real fires.
- Make sure you have at least one fire alarm on each floor of your home, as close to the center of the largest open space (hall, landing).
- Make sure you have at least one fire extinguisher placed in a prominent place, such as kitchen or living room (appropriate for gas and electrical fires).
- Preferably have one downstairs and another upstairs.
- Make sure you have a fire blanket in the kitchen.
If a fire does occur in your home:
- Exit the house by the nearest available exit.
- Close all doors behind you to try and contain the fire.
- To avoid smoke inhalation stay low to the ground.
- Do not re-enter house for personal items.