How to prevent Bedroom Fires

More fires begin in the bedroom than any other room in the house. So we thought it would be a good idea to focus on how we can make this room more Fire Safe.




Tips to prevent fires starting in bedroom (or any other room):

  • Do not trap electrical cords against walls where heat can build up.
  • Take extra care when using portable heaters.
  • Keep bedding, clothes, curtains and other fabrics at least 3 ft away from portable heaters.
  • Only use lab-approved electric blankets and warmers. Make sure cords are not frayed.
  • Never smoke in bed. Make the bedroom a smoke free zone.
  • Make sure you have a working smoke alarm in hall just outside bedroom. They save lives.
  • Do not light candles and leave the room. All candles should be monitored.
  • When using lamps ensure the light bulb is not touching the lamp shade.
  • Never wrap or bundle cords together. This prevents the heat from dissipating, leading to a fire hazard.

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