What Does STOP stand for?


As it is Fire Prevention week you may see STOP Fire on your television, on social media etc. But what does STOP stand for and how does this four letter word help you in preventing a fire in your home.

S - Smoke Alarms - do you have smoke alarms in your home? Make sure you have at least one on every floor.

T - Test your smoke alarm weekly - The majority of people do not test their smoke alarms weekly. It is extremely simple just press to button on your smoke alarm to make sure the batteries are working. This simple task takes a few seconds and could save your life. If you cannot test them ask someone else to.

O - Obvious Dangers - Keep an eye out for obvious fire dangers like n overloaded plug socket, candles, cigarettes and unattended appliances.

P - Plan your escape route - Keep all escape routes clear of clutter at all times, keep your keys easy to locate at all times.

So next time you have a free moment in your house, go through the four steps to help prevent a fire in your home.

If you have any more questions about how to prevent fires in your home do not hesitate to get in contact with us via facebook, twitter or message us on info@smartcontrolsystems.com


Images: http://www.firesafetyweek.ie/

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