Fire Safety Tips for your Business

30% of all businesses that have a major fire go out of business within a year. 70% fail within five years*. Fire prevention is the best medicine in protecting your Business.

For best protective measures, follow tips below:

  • Ensure Fire Detection and Alarm System to serviced in accordance with IS 3218:2013.
  • Have a well executed and practice Fire Escape Plan in place.
  • Assign a Fire Safety Officer - who is responsible for Fire Safety within your business, get them to identify fire hazards and ways to prevent fires from happening.
  • Ensure Fire Extinguishers are serviced in accordance with I.S.291:2015.
  • Maintain all machinery to prevent over heating and friction sparks.
  • Use and store all chemicals safely.
  • Train all staff in Fire Safety.
  • Smoke only in designated smoking areas.
  • Know where your nearest fire exits are.
  • Keep your work area free of waste paper, trash and other items that can easily catch fire.
  • Carry out regular fire drills.

In event of fire:

  • Exit the building by the nearest available exit.
  • Manually sound fire alarm using red break glass units at your exit route.
  • To avoid smoke inhalation stay low to the ground.
  • Do not re-enter building until it has been declared safe by relevant person.

*Source: UK Home Office Computing Magazine.

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